Tuesday, January 28, 2014

HIMCR #134 - For a Loved One

Doing the weaving on this card drove me nuts. The strips were easy enough to cut but boy I tell you weaving it was crazy. They moved and slid and unraveled. I glued portions of it down thinking that would make it easier. But if I forgot where I put the glue or moved it to high when lifting the strips the the blue wouldn't hold. Let me tell you it was a mess. It took me 2 hours hour to get the weaving right. Just the weaving. And I got mad and I took 2 breaks and I got mad some more..But I was determined. I had a vision... LOL. It took me about 20min to finish the rest of the card. It came out ok. I wish it was neater and more even with the weaving. But to say the least..after I was done I took my butt to bed for the night. I think I watched a movie. This was last week. So here it is. One of my hardest tries so far ever I think.


  1. Super cute card! LOVE the heart! Great job! Thanks so much for sharing with us over at HIMCR this week!!!

    Emily - Mollie's Motif
